How To Increase Your Vibration, Mood and Divine Connection

In such a hectic and stressful world it can be very difficult to maintain joy and a positive attitude- but it can be done! Creating a habit of starting your day with meaningful and intentional rituals can really make a big difference and support you throughout your day. Make an effort to take time for yourself each morning, ground, connect to the Divine, set intentions and develop an "attitude of gratitude".
Here are some helpful suggestions. Each morning (even if you have to rise a bit earlier):
Read something inspiring or devotional. Yes, this could be something like a passage from the Bible, Quran or other spiritual text, but it could also be a self help book, some poetry or other inspirational reading. Don't feel you have to read a long passage, read just enough to give you an uplifting thought, or keep you grounded. Recall the reading throughout the day.
2. Write- again, it doesn't have to be a book you write, but write a little something about what you have read. Jot down a saying from the reading or write about how what you read has meaning for you. How can the reading support you in the current themes of your life?
3. Meditate/Reflect/Prayer. Spend a little time reflecting or meditating upon what you have read. Say a prayer about the topic, or anything else that feels important to ask God/The Universe/Source to support you in. LISTEN FOR GUIDANCE, connect to your intuition. Remember to be grateful and expect what you are asking for, or even something better!
4. Move your body! Exercise if you can, or even just stretch, go for a walk, water the plants...just move. Movement outside is wonderful because you can also spend time in nature before you start your (likely indoor) job or errands.
5. Set an Intention for your day! Intend to be happy, to have a stress free or pain-free day. Whatever you want to feel or see happen in your day- Intend it! Learn to live an intentional life and draw into your life the vibrations you wish to live in. The first thing we can do to change our life is to change how we think about it!
6. Be Grateful! Set out your day with gratitude for what you already have and gratitude for what is coming to you. If we aren't grateful for what we already have, how can life bring us more to be grateful for? This means even being grateful for what you see as "stressful". Through that stress you are learning about your strengths, or what it is that you DO NOT want in your life. It is all helpful.
Make a habit of stating at least three things daily that you are grateful for. And make a habit of seeing what good comes out of a stressful or difficult situation. Also, be a good influence, teach others to do the same and we can build a happier life together.
New habits take a while to form. It's OK to start slowly, maybe adding one thing at a time. But once you see what a difference these positive habits make in your life, you'll be excited to make these connections each morning. You will find them to be an important aspect to starting each day.
Be blessed! Be happy! Be grateful! Be intentional!